dimanche 17 juillet 2016

une actrice porno japonaise, les abdos de Nani vainqueurs de l'Euro

Le zapping sexy de la semaine commence par du X. L'été papillon sur Canal+ a consacré un reportage a une femme japonaise, devenue actrice porno à plus de 40 ans. Elle a tenu secret cette pratique à sa famille et ses proches. Mais manque de chance pour elle, un voisin en regardant un de ses films est tombé dessus et la reconnue,Tn Requin 2016 oups ! L'actrice porno japonaise s'est aussi faite photographier par un producteur, nue. Des clichés réalisés avec un simple appareil numérique. Mais elle a aussi évoquer ce statut : "ma famille et mes amis n'approuveraient pas, car ile méprisent les acteurs porno". Dans Confessions intimes sur NT1 une femme participait à un shooting photo sexy. Mais son mari qui était présent n'avait pas l'air d'accord. Monsieur serait-il jaloux ? Il faut croire que oui car il demande à sa femme de fermer sa veste, un comble pour un shooting sexy. "Quand je vois un décolleté comme ?a, ?a me fout hors de moi. Quand tu le fais il faut que ce soit fermé" dit-il. Tn Requin Arte s'est rendu au Brésil pour un reportage consacré à la samba, la mythique danse du pays. Une danse qui permet aux caméramans de filmer les déhanchés de danseuses qui se donnent à 100%, pour le plus grand plaisir de ces messieurs. Arte se lache en ce début d'été avec un documentaire Kings & Queens of New York,Air Max 90 tourné en partie dans un cabaret de la ville américaine. Il y en a aussi pour ses dames ! Avant la fin de l'Euro , Touche pas à mon sport a tenu à partager les photos des abdominaux du joueur portugais Nani, en béton armé. Et ils ne sont pas photoshopés.


jeudi 14 juillet 2016

Rennes : Bretagne: Portée disparue, la fillette de 3 ans parcourt 3,5 km

Portée disparue mardi en début d'après-midi à Trédrez-Locquémeau dans les C?tes d'Armor,Tn Requin 2016 une fillette de trois ans a été retrouvée saine et sauve une heure plus tard. La petite fille avait échappé à la surveillance de ses parents et quitté la maison où sa famille est actuellement en vacances. Un important dispositif a alors été mis en place avec une vingtaine de gendarmes, un hélicoptère et un ma?tre-chien mobilisés pour retrouver la fillette, rapporte Ouest-France. Nike Ninja Le pire semblait se profiler lorsque les gendarmes ont retrouvé sur un chemin le doudou et la veste de la petite fille. Il faudra finalement attendre une heure pour qu'un automobiliste la retrouve saine et sauve, Nike Requin en train de déambuler sur une route de campagne à 3,5 kilomètres de la maison familiale.


lundi 11 juillet 2016

Lamar Odom Helps Rob and Khloe Kardashian Reconcile on 'KUWTK': 'Time Goes By So Fast'

Rob Kardashian's unannounced proposal to girlfriend Blac Chyna in April created a rift between him and his reality star sisters -- especially Khloe. However, it seems Rob got some help patching up that relationship from an unexpected ally: Khloe's ex, Lamar Odom. The former Los Angeles Lakers star worked to reunite the siblings on Sunday's new episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. While hanging out with Rob, Lamar encouraged the 29-year-old reality star to reach out to his estranged sister. WATCH: Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney Kardashian Uncomfortably Confront Rob About Surprise Blac Chyna Engagement Air Max Tn "Whenever I talk to her it just leads to crazy [fighting]," Rob admitted. "Her and I yelling at each other. No matter what." "Seriously though, you should talk to your sister. I mean, time goes by so fast," Lamar said, speaking from experience. The 36-year-old athlete had a scary brush with death last year, which may have contributed to his words of wisdom. Lamar was hospitalized in October after being found unresponsive at a brothel in Crystal, Nevada. While he seems to be in good health now, Lamar spent several weeks in the hospital and doctors were concerned that he would never fully recover. WATCH: Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom Warn Rob About Marrying Blac Chyna: 'Marriage Ain't Easy' Rob heeded his friend's meaningful words at the time, but Lamar made sure the siblings came together to hash out their beef when he brought the youngest Kardashian sibling to Khloe's house and surprised her in her private movie room. "This is kind of awkward just having Rob and Lamar like walk in the theater like nothing has happened," Khloe admitted. WATCH: Khloe Kardashian Reacts to Kylie Jenner and Blac Chyna Making Peace: 'You're a Beast' While things were tense between the three of them, Lamar tried to push the reconciliation forward, asking his ex,Tn Pas Cher 2016 "Do you wanna go out with Rob soon? To dinner, [with] Blac Chyna?" "No, that's not part of the plan," Khloe said, shooting the idea down immediately. "It's not [going to be with] Blac Chyna too." "I need to talk to Rob first," the 32-year-old reality star told the KUWTK cameras. "Rob and I just need to have a private conversation and just have a talk and let's hash things out so we can just move on and get out of this awkward space." WATCH: 7 Biggest Celebrity Sibling Feuds Tn Pas Cher Pushing forward, Rob continued to work on getting her to have dinner. "No, but seriously, we should all do something," he suggested. "Yes, Rob. I would love to do that with the two of you," Khloe replied sarcastically. "Or maybe just the two of us," Rob said. "I get it, it's cool." It appears the three of them have since put their issues behind them, as Rob and Blac Chyna turned attended Khloe's birthday at Dave & Buster's last month. Check out the video below for a look at the festivities from Khloe's big bash.


S. Carolina Megachurch Ousts Founder as Senior Pastor

The founder of South Carolina's massive NewSpring Church has been ousted as senior pastor over problems including alcohol use. Nike Tn Pas Cher The Independent Mail in Anderson reports ( http://goo.gl/1yPf95 ) that another church leader, executive pastor Shane Duffey, announced at a Sunday service that the Christian church had removed the Rev. Perry Noble on July 1. Tn Pas Cher Duffey cited Noble's "unfortunate choices" and said the church's board had confronted Noble multiple times about his drinking. A statement attributed to Noble and read during the service confirmed that he overused alcohol, and said "No one is more disappointed in me than I am in myself." Noble didn't immediately respond to an email Sunday from The Associated Press. Nike Tn The church traces its roots to a Bible study that began in Noble's apartment in 1998. It has grown to 17 locations around South Carolina, 30,000 people attend services each week, according to its website. The annual report posted there said the church took in about $64 million for 2015.